Blog Directory It's Presidents Day! Write Your Letter to Mr. President and Celebrate! - International Observation

It's Presidents Day! Write Your Letter to Mr. President and Celebrate!

Happy President's Day!

To send a letter to the White House, view the history of President's Day, and more click the "read more" link.......





Helena said...

Check out this link on "the power of one" which was posted today by the Washington Post:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the official name of this federal holiday is--and always has been--"Washington's Birthday." It's no longer celebrated on Washington's actual birth date after being moved in accordance with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968.

Helena said...

I'm glad you pointed that out. For that reason, I made it a point to take a clip from the History Channel and post it on my site about the history of President's Day, and it described just what you said. So many people are unaware of it stemming from Washington's Birthday. For example, I've received alot of negative feedback from "Obama haters" who did not appreciate that I drew attention to President's day. They didn't seem to understand that it was because of Washington that we have President's day in spite of the fact that my blog has several references to Pres. Washington (i.e. pictures, history, etc..). So I do thank you for adding your comment.

Anonymous said...

This is more for the kids: and .

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