Blog Directory What about YOU? - International Observation

What about YOU?

Most, well all (except the first), of my posts have been the direct result of a comment or question in response to an article of interest from the site. While I do enjoy political discussion, it seems to have overshadowed other significant topics. I have alot of ideas for future input, each focused on a different area. But this group was not created for my own self-serving gratification of knowledge nor for me to impose what I feel to be most important. Although I aim to present unbiased and researched information, by picking and choosing my own topic of interests then I am in a way being biased.

So I want to know, from YOU..... what do you want to discuss? What do you feel has the most direct impact on your personal life? What topic inspires you to promote change? Is there an area in which you feel particularly passionate?

Climate change, Political Affairs, Diversity, Migration, Economics, Environmental Degradation, Gender Issues, Discrimination, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Devaluation, Development, Peace & Conflict, Current Events, Natural Disasters and Crisis, etc... etc.... etc.... Ideas?

Alot of things that appear to be domestic are the direct result of the international community, or conversely, the domestic environment can have implications on the international community. Use this group as an opportunity to make your voice heard, and I will use my resources to orchestrate and broadcast it.

For the purpose of exploration and interest articulation, I have included several feeds under the "in the news" tab at the top of the page.


David Aust said...

One significant challenge or opportunity that has erupted onto the political scene in recent years is that of alternative monetary systems spearheaded by the CATO Institute. There is an annual conference based on one of the CATO Institute's publication, "The Future of Money in the Information Age" with several chapters written by Federal Reserve presidents ( Could the Federal Reserve be in search for community currencies that may offer greater value than its own current fiat currency since the current bubble to the global currencies has burst on to the scene of global politics? Or could such community currencies as shared by Bernard Lietaer (Former Belgium Central Banker and current Director of the Center for Sustainable Currency at UC Berkeley) detail more conclusively at his website at Could we go to an entirely new monetary system that has yet to evolve all together different than the current system?

Helena said...

This is a good topic of discussion David! I'm going to check out these links and get back with you. Thanks for the resources and the feedback!

Capt. said...

There is only one thing that should be discussed immediately ... that is eradicating world hunger....this is an area where ordinary people like us can do something without the help of the stupid governments which rule us whose aim is to create hurdles and issues which keep us occupied and the tag of the ruling class.....

Karim said...

It looks like you've been very busy updating your blogspot. Good work!Since you asked, for now here’s what I’d like to see. More articles that cover the following:

•Impact of foreign aid, economic progress, ethics and good governance
Having grown up in Kenya, I have a deep connection with Africa
In particular, the issues around poverty, education, primary health care and development. It seems that not so long ago, Africa was regarded as the "dark Continent", the continent of despair, disease and hopelessness. Things are changing in Africa and there are more opportunities for young professionals in terms of careers and growth.
I think there needs to be more on this subject matter.

•Impact of globalization and pluralism.
Peoples of different faiths and ethnicities are beginning to come together to work towards a common goal. There is strength in being a pluralistic society as compare to an individualistic one.

Unknown said...

What other interests do you have? I wouldn't know where to start with mine.

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